Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The 5 senses

The trip was a wonderful experience. First, I'd like to talk about the amazing things I enjoyed, but some things I didn't enjoy on the trip to the Tonto National Monument. #1. Getting there. The trip seemed fun... until you realize you have to walk... a lot. While going up there, I was looking at the scenery. It was fun to talk on the way up. However, after a while, your legs will probably start to feel weird when walking up the mountain, which is probably 3 miles in length for each trip, up and down. So when walking up the mountain, I really recommend the proper equipment. (like water, proper warm clothing, and a hiking stick) Another thing I enjoyed about the trip was the plant facts. Some plants in the area can be used for medical treatments and caffeine. Plants being used for medicinal purposes and being a shelter to small prey was the most amazing thing for me. And what's funny is that I was very interested and didn't really hate anything about it. The last thing that I am going to talk about is the houses. The houses were very interesting to see, as they used mud and wood to keep the buildings together. You could really imagine the families in the houses and the grinding of their corn. What I didn't like about the houses was that... there was a bee constantly following me around, and not to sound wimpy, buuuuut... I am scared of bees. Like a lot. The doors were so small, so if I tried to run out and scream with arms flailing in the air, I'd probably hit my head on the way out and fall on a rock coincidentally faced up and very jagged at the end. So I moved constantly till it was time to get out of there. (it was better not to panic in there, so moving away from the bee was the safest in that scenario that I thought of at the time)

I honestly look forward to learning more about their working methods and culture like what animals they used and what plants they used to make it that far. I'm interested in the history of their works. Like when they build houses out of mud or how they got their food. It would be amazing to see other areas in which they lived and how they got it there. It looks like making the building up in the cliffs however was hard to build because of the possible risks.

While up in the cliffs, I looked around, smelled what the rooms smelt like, and felt the dirt beneath my feet, in which I was using the five senses. I could feel what was beneath my feet, but somethings I couldn't touch with my hands, so I focused on what I was sensing. The rooms smelt very weird, a little like smoke from the fires they had and a little bit of dead animals, in which I saw bones of. The sights were beautiful up there. They had a big view of everything around them, but they didn't have somethings because it wasn't there before, so the lake was a thing they didn't get to see. When we were in the houses, there was an echo within the room because of how hollow it kinda was. There is one sense left, but I didn't get to experience anything to taste except the cactus candy at the gift shop. It tasted tart, but in my opinion, I didn't like it, but to some people, it was good and was probably what they had to eat when they were harvesting plants.

        (Picture of the view they had and the houses which are kind of crumbled...)

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