Wednesday, January 18, 2017

5 senses

I learned a lot about plants where we went hiking. the way we went up to the ruins was not they way they walked up to their homes with things they needed. the person taking us to the ruins asked us why they didn't make their homes closer to Roosevelt lake and we had more than just one answer, one of the answers was you can't move a cave because it's a hole in a mountain, and the other answer was the lake wasn't there at the time they were. Some of the things I didn't like about the hike were the rock stairs just because there were so many of them and they were really tall.

I want to learn more about what they had to make clothing. and how long they kept it on for until they needed a new set of clothes. or if they had a system where they passed on their old clothing that doesn't fit them anymore to the younger kids or if they used them to keep a fire going. one thing I look forward to doing with this project is being outside of school and learning.

on the way up to the upper cliff dwellings, I talked to friends about the hike and how pretty it was while we were hiking. the scenery was very pretty and it was pretty quiet. I touched a broken piece of pottery and some of the stuff the Salado people left behind for the rangers to find the things they've eaten or their pottery.

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