Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Biology/Engineering field day

We went to Lake Roosevelt visitors center, the ranch, the dam tunnel, the eagle´s nest, and the habitat riparian area. While at the Lake Roosevelt visitor center we got to see a lot of different animals and they talked about the lake and the birds on the lake. While at the ranch Media talked about the livestock and the land and the dirt tanks and how they get water their. Even though we didn´t get to go in the tunnel the engineer talked about how they used dynamite to blow up the rock and form it into a tunnel. While at the eagle´s nest we got to see the eagle nesting. At the riparian area we seen where the water level would be if the lake was at 100% and we got to use the tree measuring thing.

I would like to learn how they fished or if they even did fish. If they used a tree limb with string or rope with a hook or with a net they had weaved. What kind of fish they would try to catch. If there was a different kind of fish they had back then that may be extinct know. How they harvested the meet from the fish they caught. 

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