Thursday, March 30, 2017

researching information

(Argument) A exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.

(Counterargument) A argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument.

(Research) It is a way to learn about the topic that you are working on.

What research means to me is were you go on the internet and look at other peoples astonishing. It helps me a lot if i have no idea what something is. And if you need a picture of some thing.  


Thursday, March 2, 2017

argument counter argument and research

An argument is when two or more people contradict something the other person says this is a good concept to know for the project because it will help with our persuasive essays. If you want to know if a source is credible it help to look at the date it was published or renewed and see if the author is a good one and it is always good to go to other sights to see if their information provided is similar to those if other sights.

A counter argument is when you say the reasons to oppose an idea or thought made in another argument.

And research is when you look something up in a library or on the internet, you can also do research by asking around and seeing that the majority of people  think,you need research to support your side of an rgument

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Researching Information

The definition of argument is a statement supporting the claim a reason. The definition of counterargument is a set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea. The definition of research to me is when you want to learn more about something you look it up. These concepts are important to know because you will have to convince the reader and support. My sources will be believable because they will be written by officials.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Researching Information

An argument is when you're going back and fourth giving each of your opinions, For example, if I say something of mine is better than yours and you say yours is better that is an argument. A counterargument is when you are more persuasive and you give more information to back up your statement/argument.

Argument and Counterargument are important in our class because we need to know how to make a point and be able to back it up with the information that we have learned.

The word research means to me that you have to go out in a place that you might not know and research meaning look for stuff you might not know and learn about it.

You can know if a source is credible if you research more on it and find certain sources to back up your argument, you can easily find a credible source if you look into it just a little bit further.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Researching Info

Counterargument and argument are two factors in proving what you are doing and show that your research is actually good and makes since; it can convince others to believe what you say. When using an argument, you are trying to prove that what you looked into is cool and how. Counterargument can be used in persuasion if someone tries to attack your subject, you can protect it with showing what they say is false and proving why. It can also add some valuable info about the subject and support what you are talking about.
If you were to present any info about your favorite subject, you can look at multiple online sources and/or books to support your subject because there wouldn't be any scientific proof about it and people wouldn't believe it. (if you are gonna do it, write pieces of it that interest you and might interest others and write in your own words. Otherwise, it'd be plagiarism, as you'd be taking something off the internet and calling it your own, which isn't your work) You'd also have info to show to others and interest them more in what you are interested. Doing this shows how much to like the subject, but not just informing others about it, enthusiasm is also something that adds a kick or sense of excitement. Using the perfectly normal amount is recommended, as using too little can make you sound like you are not interested in it and too much makes you sound very excited for it, but it's gonna make it awkward at the end after being so ecstatic over it. So that's why you need to be calm for your subject.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Research information

An argument is someone trying to prove someone wrong or arguing that something you think is right. A counter argument is a set of reasons put forth to an idea or thought that you believe in. These concepts are important in this PBL because you need to argue on what is right and what is wrong to find out what is actually right, then you need to know what counter argument is because we need ideas and thoughts on things so others can understand what you are learning about. Research means you are looking into something in depth and could also be an investigation on a person place or thing. How to know if a source is credible is you can have direct evidence or if it is online a date an author that helps or someone who already knows the facts.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Researching Information

Argument means that you are trying to make a point or want something to go in your favor. This can be with getting a grade on your schoolwork, having your mom buy you something, or want to go hang out at a friends house. Even when you need to convince your teacher, mom, or whoever it is to do what you want them to do for you. A counterargument is when you are opposing the first argument to make it not true. They are important when reaching the Salado people because maybe they moved because not enough water but someone else could say that it was something different. Research to me is anything that you had to look up, read about, or look into in order to learn about that topic. When I am looking at a credible source if it has an author, sounds intelligent, and if they know what they are talking about the subject.